Rotación de cultivos, desechar productos químicos, preservar el suelo o gestionar las plagas de forma sostenible son algunos de los principios de la agricultura ecológica. Es un sector en auge en nuestro país, principalmente sostenido por un público joven que, cada vez más, demanda productos ecológicos porque lleva una dieta más sana, equilibrada y respetuosa con el medioambiente.
In this context, it is crucial to adapt your restaurant to this growing consumer preference for sustainable practices. It’s a growing trend that is more than confirmed: for example, in 2018 (the latest year for which official data are available) the spend per person on eco-friendly products in Spain increased by 12.58%. We think you’ll agree that this is a data point to rethink your restaurant’s strategy and offering.
To help you take this step, below we propose 8 sustainable practices that you can implement in your restaurant and that will help you, above all, reach the hearts and minds of Generation Z and millennials.
Even the toilet rolls in your restaurant can be recycled. And it’s a good idea to set up recycling containers on the premises, for glass at least. Furthermore, we encourage you to phase out plastic in your containers and replace it with cardboard or bamboo.
Work only with those companies that are also committed to sustainable consumption and that, for instance, use biodegradable containers and minimise journeys in their deliveries.
The goal? To supply your restaurant with your own production, thereby reducing the number of miles travelled and, therefore, your emissions. We realise that this is very complex, so you can also opt to use local producers exclusively, and aim to offer mostly dishes with ingredients that are in season.
This is one of the greatest concerns of young people in terms of waste management. Here are our recommendations:
Even the smallest detail counts. To achieve this, when purchasing products to clean and disinfect your restaurant, you should aim to be sustainable, so that you will avoid emitting toxic substances into the environment.
Digital technology has not only made our lives hugely easier, it has enabled us to use far less paper. Join the trend, and, for example, issue electronic bills and offer your menu in digital format.
Not only for ecological reasons, but also economic ones! Use more efficient electrical kitchen appliances and you will use far less water and save on your electricity bills month in, month out.
These efforts will not be very effective if you don’t pass them on. And here your own staff will be your best allies, as they are the ones that will convey the company philosophy and your commitment to sustainability to your customers.